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module 5 - Sensory and Physical


Visual Impairment

This section is intended for people who wish to gain an overview of the issues involved in supporting the education of children with vision impairment.


By the end of the section, you will be able to...

  • Understand the visual system and how vision works.

  • Understand different types of visual impairment and their functional effects

  • Explore the range of educational provision available to meet the needs of children and young people with visual impairment

  • Consider the implications of visual impairment for the educational and social development of children and young people

  • Understand key factors in effective provision


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Hearing Impairment

This section aims to show how to make your practice more inclusive for these learners and offers practical assessment ideas and intervention strategies to keep their learning on track.


By the end of the section, you will be able to...

  • Define the different causes of hearing loss.

  • Describe the impact that hearing loss has on child development, learning and social inclusion

  • Explain the range of communication modes used by students with a hearing loss.

  • Identify different amplification devices, including additional listening devices.

  • Employ strategies to support communication, access to the curriculum, social inclusion and wellbeing, and to increase independent learning skills

  • Apply a graduated response to meeting the needs of hearing-impaired pupils based on the assess, plan, do, review cycle

  • Create a support plan for a pupil/group of pupils in your school

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